- 人在女尊已经漂到失联
- 废柴大学生夏生意外穿越男女比例一比五十的异世界。本来毫无存在感的自己竟瞬间成了藏都藏不住的香饽饽!?
- 漂流垃圾
junr.but is that really good we let a man with shooting-iron here discussing our tasks?(我知道啊。我之前已经‘茶和他的少年’一起见过那 丫了。但我们就这么让一个带着枪的在这待着不管,再聊我们的工作,这样真的好吗?)”光男身边的另一个看起来憨态可掬的胖子谨慎地说道。
“it’s fine!he’s just a mother-fucking cop of the f.c.p.d.,and you guys know it:the educatn level of them is figuratively low.he’s not possible to catch what we are talking about!could you even get even one word of mandarin before you went to virginia?(没事的!他就是个f市警察局的二警察!你们也都知道吧:这帮的 教育水平相当差了,他不可能听懂我们说的话的!你去弗吉尼亚之前你能懂一个汉语单词吗?)”接着,那个凯尔和那个胖子又转过看着我,且听他对那个胖子说道:“william,i bet he will consider whatever you saying as greetings if we keep smiling to him.(威廉,我打赌如果我俩继续对他微笑的话,不管你说啥,他都会以为是在跟他打招呼。)”
那个名叫威廉的胖子想了想,笑着对我招了招手:“enjoy your shit-rice bowl,dumass!(好好享用你的大便盖饭,傻!)”
“哈哈哈哈!that is tooan,man!(爷们儿,这太损了!)”
“yeah,especially your creative phrase!and a little bit gross and racism!ian,i really like the‘beef-tariyaki rice bowl’from the dragon palace!rea